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Senate finally acknowledge excess deaths are concerning

Hello everyone, 


The United Australia Party has been fighting for truth and accountability regarding excess deaths since the first day I was elected to the Senate in 2022. 


I have spoken about this issue in the Senate dozens of times and have questioned the Government on the topic during both question time and Senate estimates. 


After many attempts to shed light into dark places we have finally scored a major win. This was the fourth time that I moved a motion around excess mortality. The first three failed, but fourth time lucky! 


My successful motion read as follows - The Senate acknowledges that: 


(a) the concerning number of excess deaths observed in Australia in 2021 and 2022 has continued into 2023 as evidenced by all-cause provisional mortality data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics; and 

(b) there is a need for further inquiry as to the reasons for these excess deaths. 


The majority of senators agreed with my motion with 31 supporting and 30 opposing. To the best of my knowledge, this is the first time any parliament in the world has admitted that excess deaths are worthy of inquiry. 


But can you believe this? The Labor Party and the Greens actually voted against my motion. Imagine a government not interested in why so many of their fellow Australians are dying! 


The motion passed by just 1 vote. It got up largely due to the support of cross benchers Senator Lidia Thorpe, Senator David Pocock, Senator Tammy Tyrrell and Senator Jaquie Lambie


I would be so grateful if you could send these independent Senators a quick email or give them a quick phone call to say thanks. If they will continue to stand with me on this, we can force the government to take action. 


Now that the Senate has admitted that there is a problem, we must proceed to a robust inquiry that will provide these answers to the Australian people and put to bed any speculation. 

We cannot allow excess mortality to be normalised. 

CLICK HERE to watch my video.


Yours in truth,

Palmer applauds Supreme Court outcome on unlawful vaccine orders & Babet Senate victory

Clive Palmer has applauded last night’s motion by United Australia Party Senator Ralph Babet and today’s Supreme Court ruling that Covid vaccine orders placed on Queensland frontline workers were unlawful as a major victory for human rights. 


Mr Palmer said Senator Babet’s successful motion that unexplained death rates in Australia being 18% higher than pre-vaccination warranted investigation, was an important step forward in finding the truth about the impacts of the Covid response. 


Mr Palmer said he stepped up to fund the landmark action by more than 60 police officers and dozens of ambulance and health care workers because he believed human liberties and lives were at stake. 


In the landmark ruling in favour of police and ambulance workers, the Court declared that the Police Commissioner’s direction issued on 7 September 2021 and 14 December 2021 were unlawful under section 58 of the Human Rights Act 2019. 

The court also ruled that the Employee COVID-19 Vaccination Requirements Human Resources Policy is of no effect. 


"Firstly, I want to pay tribute to the Queensland police and ambulance officers for the courage that they and their families have shown in fighting the good fight and prevailing," Mr Palmer said.


"On this day, one day after the Australian Senate has resolved to investigate the 18% increase in excess death rates this year, we now know what the Government has done and that their directions were unlawful. 


"Queensland police and ambulance workers were abandoned by their unions. Their human rights were, as the court has found, violated.


"I celebrate the Queensland Police Commissioner’s decision to resign last week in anticipation of this landmark victory.


"It is now imperative that the presidents and executives of the Queensland Police and Ambulance unions do the honourable thing and resign from their roles in supporting the decisions to have officers vaccinate against their wishes, breaching the rules of natural justice and human rights," Mr Palmer said. 


"The question is, will the Queensland Premier now step up and voluntarily compensate police and ambulance staff and their families who have faced vaccine injuries and deaths, or will we see another expensive, drawn-out legal battle to achieve justice? 


"I am calling on the Premier to compensate every one of these brave men and woman for the bullying, intimidation and prejudice they suffered. 


"But more importantly, I am calling for compensation for those officers and families who followed the Queensland Government orders and have died or suffered serious injury. It is time for them to come forward. 


"The battle continues, we cannot abandon our fellow Queenslanders." 
United Australia Party Senator Ralph Babet scored a major win yesterday with the Senate voting in favour of his general business that excess deaths in Australia needed further inquiry. 

"It is a worrying statistic that unexplained death rates in this country are 18% higher than pre-vaccination," Mr Palmer said. 

"As today’s verdict shows, the vaccine mandates were an assault on these men and women who should have the same rights as any Australian citizen. 
"Once again, congratulations to those frontline workers who showed great courage in bringing this matter before the Supreme Court. 
"These people's human rights have now been recognised and as such this is a landmark decision," Mr Palmer said.


CLICK HERE to read or download the judgement.


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Authorised by Senator R Babet | Senate, Parliament House, Canberra, ACT 2600

Senator Ralph Babet | PO Box 6100, Senate, Parliament House, Canberra, ACT 2600 |